June 3, 2010


QUOTE OF THE DAY: (courtesy of Princess Luna)

"Hatred, is the anger of the weak."

It's time again for the DROH adoptions for the previous month. May was not a good month for adoptions. There were only 3 pups that found their forever homes. Not good at all, but that's still 3 doggies that now are happy and loved in their new homes. People just don't adopt dogs in the summer, too bad.

adopted 05/13/10-----Bella
adopted 5/10/10-----Maddie
adopted 05/01/10-----Claire #2

Guess what? Tomorrow it will be 3 whole weeks since I had my surgery and Mommy says it's high time I get a bath. Why? Mommy said my furs are dirty. How can my hair be dirty, if I couldn't do anything for 2 solid weeks? Mommy wants Miss Lilly, my groomer, to trim my tail, head and face too. She said she will only cut those 3 thingies, since the rest of me is OK. "OK, so I'm almost fur less now!!" What do you think? Do I need my tail, head and face hair to be whacked off?

My tail waving in the air.

My head.
My tail.
OMD!!! You won't believe all the goodies I got from my dear Texan friend, Mango the Maltese, and his lovely Mom. When Mommy got home from work last night, this package was stuffed into the mailbox and Mommy laid it on the floor and said come get it, cause it had my name on it.
"What, for me Mommy, are you sure?!!
"Yes, Mona, it says Mona Mi Ricca not Mommy Ricca." "Mommy, I think I smell Mango in there!!" OMD!! Wow!! Look at all this loot. It's mine, all mine!! Oops, I see some stuff for Mommy in here too!!

There was a bag of Old Mother Hubbard Bac 'N' Cheez treats. They are Yummylicious! Mommy made me a doggie meat loaf cake with mashed tater icing with them on it at my last birthday party and all my buddies loved them.
Lookit my rope winnie dog!! It's head has a squeaker in it so it might be headless soon. Lookit my smiley face flower too!! Mommy got pressies too. A beautiful silky scarf and a 3D air freshener for her car. "Actually it's my car but I like to humor her. Don't tell her though." That's Mango & his Mommy's picture, that had a note on the back.
Can you believe it!! Mango said he picked this sun suit out just for me....'blushing'....it says FLIRT on it. Pretty in pink, that's gonna be me!! Here's some pics of me after I tried on my dress.
I just love the bow!!
Do I look fat? It clings to every curve of my body.
Oh Yes, remember my smiley face flower? Notice I said "Mine"

Well not any more. Mommy took it to work today and taped it to the side of her computer, that way she can think of my friend Mango and his Mommy, whenever she sees it and it will make her smile. Thanks you so much Mango, I love you!!

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawesome post!

Great news

AND khool pressies from a furry nice pal!

Happy Almost Friday and Weekend to woo!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

What pawsome pressies, Mona. That outfit looks pawfect on you. Pretty in pink! You have good coloring for pink, don't you think?

Did you see that Mayzie turned out to have a smidgeon of wire haired dachshund in her? Isn't that fantastical? You might be like third cousins, somewhat removed or something.

wags, Lola

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Wow! What a haul of loot!!! And I think that dress looks fantabulous on you!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy

Duke said...

What a sexy dress, Mona! Mango has excellent taste! What sweet friends!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

A MilShelb Mom said...

What cool presents! We love the dress. It's so cute!
~Milly and Shelby

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Great pictures! We love your new dress. It looks great on you! Wonderful presents from your friend too! That's always fun!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Poor Tiger is going to go into a tail spin when he sees you in your FLIRT SKIRT. You look beautiful to me... with or without your furs. I'm just sayin.
That was a fantastic pressie package.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Cool prezzies Mona!! You look lovely in that dress, pink is definitely your color!

And we are so furry yappy to hear about those 3 doggies finding their forever homes. We just wish that more would find their forever homes. Mom says it's a good thing we don't live where you do, otherwise we'd have a house full of doxies, BOL!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Remington said...

Great presents!

Fred said...

Awesome pressies! You are not fat, just fluffy. Like me. :P

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Those are some pawesome pressies Mona! We just loooove your new dress!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob & Bilbo

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great presents.

What you said about summer adoptions is evidently very true. When Jan used to take photos at the shelter, she was told folks will turn in their pets (it's a high kill shelter) and go on vacation. Then get a new one when they return.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Awww, what great pressie!! We love your flirt dress!!

We hope all those sweet doxies find their furever homes soon!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Pippen said...


We love the dress! Like you said it clings to your curves but it doesn't make you look fat! Just very, very sexy!

Sam and Pippen!

PeeS. Tell your mom not to touch your tail, no trim needed there!

little princess Luna~ said...

hola mona~!

no prob--please feel free to use any pictures~!! :)

and we are so happy to know you are ok. that little top is cute--looks great against your silver furs~!! :D


Sagira said...

Aww...that was so nice of them. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello my gorgeous sweetie pie with the beautiful life saving patches! Don't be discouraged. Three adoptions are significant. As for the pressies...so cook!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mona!
I am happy to know those kids have now lovely forever homes!
Mango sent you and Mommy pawesome presents!
Your dress is so beautiful!
I will be waiting to see your new haircut!
Kisses and hugs

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Congrats on the gifts...They are pawsome. We are furry glad that those doxies got their furever homes in the month of may!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Anonymous said...

Wow! What great pressies! That Mango Maltese sure is a sweetie! And what Most Wonderful news about the adoptions! I know they'll all luvs their furever homes!

Isn't it most exciting that we're somewhat distantly related? It doesn't seem like there's too many of us wire haired doxies around. We need to stick together.

And of course you can use the quote off my bloggie. What's mine is yours, cuz!

Wiggles & Wags,

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...
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Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I don't know who's happier, you or I?
I love the dress I wish I were a girl to put it on and keep it mine but I think you're the best model.
It fits you perfectly and it brings out the attractiveness of my Mona.
Did you notice that your image was in your mom's scarf?
My mom oohhh and aahhh when she found it, she got one for herself.
And the toy, it's was made for you, hope it lasts for a while.
Thanks your mom for keeping the yellow smiling flower, my mom likes flowers just like yours.
Mona, it's wonderful to have you with me. Our friendship will last furever!
Love you.

Peanut said...

We think you look stunning in pink.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

What great pressies! Pink is your color Mona!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

May I ask you a favor, please go visit Autumn to give her and her mom your kind words of love, encouragement and support, they really need it now, thanks.