Hi dearest friends,
Another fantastic Spring Fling and the most exciting weekend in my life. First Date Night with my Tiger, then the Spring Fling and all the doggies to play with. Some of Mommy's favorite former fosters and of course, my brother, Toby, to hug and kiss on. If Mommy had been been selling all those kisses, we could open a sanctuary somewhere.....that's Mommy' s dream you know. So tonight we are gonna share pictures of some of the dogs that came. Every dog has a story and Mommy wants to share some of their stories with you, at least the ones she knows. Every dog you see was adopted by people who love dachshunds or doggie that are awaiting their forever homes.
Before we start I have a question? My Mommy says she could just kick herself. She took so many pictures that her battery got exhausted. By the time my brother, Toby, and his doggie brother, Campbell, arrived it was dead. At least his new Mommy said she'd send some pictures to us. "Who wants to kick Mommy in the butt?"
Here is a picture of Brooklyn posing? with her ribbon she was awarded for being the 3rd fasted dog in the dachshund Derby.
Last night we posted a little video of Brooklyn winning her heat. Channel 39 came out and took some footage of the Dachshund Derby and it was on their 9 o'clock news broadcast. This morning Mommy was at the DROH website and found a link to the broadcast. My Tiger is the last dog on the video and he's isn't even a DROH doggie, WOW my fella is a STAR!! If you go look, you'll see our new look. Hope you like it. Here is the our website:
Now for some of the dogs of DROH. Mommy doesn't know the names of all the dachshunds and these are just a few of all my cousins but she will tell you about the ones she knows and show you our favorites.
Remember Lovey? She's our current DROH pup of the week. Her story is on my sidebar already. She had to have almost all of her teeth removed but she still loves it eat. Lovey is available for adoption.
Mommy here....this sweetheart being carried so gently by it's Daddy is paralyzed in the back legs but gets along just fine but refused to use the cart that the family had made. The legs are bandaged to avoid sores from scooting around. The Daddy said he likes car tooting his baby around.
This is Coco, a kinda chubby little dapple. Guess what? She kept sitting up on her butt...it was funny, she could do it for a long time.
Mommy here....Of course, anybody that has been around Mona's blog for long knows that this is Bradley, but for those of you who don't know his story here it is: .... Bradley was my foster for about 4 months before he was adopted. He fell from the upstairs of an apartment and was returned buy his adopter as damaged goods. I still get mad when I remember her saying that so it's best to just leave it alone. After his surgery, Bardley went to Becky and Meredith to be fostered, where he was loved for almost 2 years but we knew that someday he would find his forever home. This was Bradley and his chubby little self, before he got adopted the second time last month.
This is Bradley today, with his Mom and Dad's youngest granddaughter, Hannah. He has lost weight and is as energetic as ever and still lives for digging holes. His Dad doesn't mind, he just keeps filling them up. Mona her....."Mommy cried big crocodile tears when see saw him."
Can you guess what this little dude's name is? Yep!! It's Frankie and for a minute I thought it was our Frankie Furter and as Frankie would say "Holy cat crap, it's a small world."
I wish this little stud muffin had been my buddy Frankie Furter.Mommy here....This is Ringo. The is new to DROH. He looks tuckered out here because he raced in one of the heats and did a pretty darn good even if he is a little chubby.
He is being fostered by Cat and has lost about 3 pounds since he came into the program.
He is a dapple as you can tell and he is gorgeous. Mona here...."Ringo is one of Mommy's favorite. Ringo is available for adoption!"
Mommy here....This is my girl Mona, my heart. For any newcomers to her blog here is her story: Mona was found, at about 6 months of age, dogging traffic on Veteran's Memorial here in Houston during a violent thunderstorm. She was fostered by the lady that found her, who just happened to be the president of DROH, for almost 2 years.
Here Mona's was trying to "bob" for a weiner but her snoot was to short, so the lady gave her a piece.
Mona is not available for adoption.
Mommy always finds one dog she wishes was hers. We don't know her name but Mommy couldn't keep her eyes off her.
No intoduction should be necessary for this little one. It's Mandy Jo! She's been on my blogs tons of times. She is a old girl but plenty fiesty. Mandy Jo is availabe for adoption.
Had enough yet? More pictures coming tomorrow of the silent acution, some group shoots and how we ended the day.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all........Mona & Mommy too!!
oh my dogness i came out on tv!!!
wowsers my mommish squealed like a little oinky oink when she saw me!!
guess what the contract has been finished and i shall be moving closer to my most lady love soon. by the end of the month to be exact
ish'nt that exciting sweetest dear of mine
wee smooches
I saw him. I saw him on the TV thingy!!! YOUR Tiger!! Right there on the TV thingy and on my YapStop too!!
WOW... Tiger is going to move to your neighborhood!! Yeah!! Now you will be able to visit him lots of times.
This was a grrrreat post. I loved seeing all of the different dachshunds. One looked a little like Penny and one looked like Ruby. What a grrreat thingy. I wish I had been there too. Thanks for sharing this all with us.
The Doxies of DROH sure know how to pawty!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy by Proxy
Never too many pictures and what a bunch of cutie pies. I can't believe your man was on TV, that is so cool Mona!
We wish soooo badly that we lived just a little bit closer so we could come and enjoy this event in person!
We LOVED all of the pix!
That is soooo cool that Tiger is a star!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Aww.. don't be so hard on your sweet Mommy. She just cannot help takinjg pics of all the cute dachshunds around her! :)
Wow Mona, your man is a celebrity!!
that all looks so cute. Love the dapple and speckled ones!
My mum is so grateful fur your support in doxie rescue. Her loves all breeds but doxies have ALWAYS held a most special place in her heart. I thinks her wanted to take all those doggies home...but I tells her we ain't got nuff room.
Hello! We saw Mona's post on our blog and came on over to visit. Our Mom just loved all of the doxies on here!! She says it's so cool to see all of those different colored, shaped, and sized doxies! :)
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