Hi my friends,
What a wonderfully, exciting weekend. Bluebonnet hunting and romping in them is a religion to us Texans and we are very proud to be Texans. But one thing you learn, don't pick them or you could get in trouble with the highway patrol. People where everywhere, remember one of yesterday's pictures that said "KEEP OUT--PRIVATE PROPERTY!!" Mommy and Aunt Judy would never have trespassed, we stayed on the other side of the road. Only one thing. We couldn't be off leash because we was too close to the highway. Bandit was in doggie heaven. I think besides me, he was the most excited.
BANDIT JUST FELT LIKE DANCING!!! Look out Dancing with the StarsBefore I show you some more bluebonnet pictures , Mommy said she just had to show you this picture of me and her favorite boy, George. The Mommies watched a movie Saturday night, after they came back from dinner, and me and George laid on the floor next to her chair. Mommy loves this picture cause she love us. As you can see we watched every move she made. Finally is was time for bed and of course George had to sleep with me & Mommy. He makes her so happy, so he is the only dog I'm not jealous of.
Remember how Mommy said it is a small world? Well this you won't believe but here goes. Aunt Judy saw a sign that said "BEST KOLACHES IN THE WORLD" straight ahead at the Chapel Hill Exxon. So since the Mommies couldn't pee in the bluebonnets like we did, they decided to stop to use the bathroom and buy some. Since this weekend was Mommy's treat, Aunt Judy went in and Mommy stayed in the car with us.
To answer your question, NO, we did not get any of these, or the cheese one Aunt Judy ate or the poppy seed one Mommy ate while we was driving home. Nor any of the sausage ones or apple strudel they bought. How rude!!! We were forced to smell all this all the way home. All we got was water, like convicts or something. "Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away, but life can be so cruel for a pup sometimes."
OK.....back to the small world.
Brooklyn was in the front set with Mommy and all of a sudden she got all excited and was hopping around looking out the window and she said:
"Bandit, you bad boy, how did you get in that car? Mommy will be so mad at you and I'm gonna tell!!
But it wasn't Bandit at all. It was another piebald in the car next to us.
Brooklyn said "Well he does look like Bandit!!"
There he was staring right back at us. Don't worry it was kinda cool Saturday and the windows where rolled down a little for him. When Aunt Judy came back, Mommy went inside to buy the food. A man came out carrying 4 bags of ice from the ice house next door, got into his car, smiled when he saw Brooklyn and backed out. Then guess what? He saw Bandit poking his head out the window and drove back up. He and Aunt Judy got to talking about how unusual it was to see 2 piebalds much less 3 in one place. He said he lives in Houston but he and his family have a country home in Chapel Hill and they were having a big gathering with a bunch of friends and they all had dachshunds. He said we could follow him to his house, that 5 more dashies wouldn't make a difference. He said he had a huge fenced in pasture that all the dachshunds were playing in. It was already 4 pm and we still had to drive home, so Aunt Judy said no. But, then Aunt Judy gave him our DROH card with the site for the harness sales, cause he said all our harnesses were great and he would like to buy some for his piebald. He said it was wonderful meeting everybody and he said we have a rain check to come out sometime. "Now that's what you call a small world!!"
Now a few more pictures of our fun day. We headed out 290W and stayed on 290 almost to Brennan and then decided to go back through Chapel Hill. Right past this Chapel Hill sign is where we decided to stop and play in the bluebonnets. Across the highway was the field where the sign was posted that said:
As you can tell, not a whole lot of folks paid any attention to the sign.
I loved the bluebonnets!! It made Mommy cry a little cause she said it made her remember how much Samantha loved to play in them. I even ate some of them and I didn't get sick at all. It was just like salad but blue!!
It was kinda hard to roach in them but I did manage and boy I was thirsty after that, can you tell?
We only had to share our Bluebonnet/Indian Paint Brush field with 2 other families.
I made a new little human friend. A man and his wife were there with their little girl. She wanted to play with one of us but was scared of everybody else. So Mommy said a was the gentlest of all of us, so I got to play with her and her Mom. I even gave her some free kisses....see I don't charge everybody for my kisses.
There were also some pretty yellow flowers but Mommy isn't sure what they were but she thinks they are some kind of sunflower. Anybody how what they are?
These next 3 pictures were Mommy's favorites of all us dogs together. Poor Aunt Judy was having a hard time keeping us untangled, as you can really see in the last one.
But all good things most come to an end. Mommy wishes we had some land like this on a hill with some cows and horses running around and we could have a little country house and come down every weekend with my dachshund friends and the wildflowers would never die. "Now that would be Heaven on Earth!!"
Gotta go to bed now. Sorry it took so long to post this but Mommy had to stop and watch Dancing with the Stars.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona
Hi Mona,
Too bad you didn't get to eat those yummy kolaches... they look delicious though... yeah, how we wish we can do zoomies on the prairie full of colorful wild flowers... that would surely be heaven on earth.
Licks, hero
Your bluebonnets and indian paintbrushes are just astounding. I really really really LOVE these pictures. I am going to show them to my mom... she will go cracker over them!!
Sorry you didn't get any of the good foodies. NOT FAIR!!
Grrrreat meeting up with the man. Sorry you couldn't go to his pawty. Maybe next time.
Thanks again for sharing your very special flower fields.
The Indian Paint Brush is just as beautiful as the Bluebonnet! You sure have pretty flowers where you live, Mona!
Bummer about the kolaches! They look so yummy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
WOW those were some awesome bluebonnets you found!! Mama never even thought to take a ride on 290!! Your Mama is pretty smart!!
The bluebonnets are just so pretty - thanks for sharing them with us, Mona. And those kolaches look sooooooooo good. We have a Kolache Factory here but they look more like rolls that are filled inside. Yours look much better. All that lemony stuff - yummers.
We are so glad you all had so much fun.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What pawesome pikhs!
Woo so had an inkhredibly special day!
Thanks fur sharing!
Mom is drooling ovFUR the kolaches! The kind of pastry is one of her FAVOURITES!!!
Wow, there sure are a lot of people there taking photos. Are they ultra rare or something? My mom doesn't have a green thumb at all.
those pastries sure do look yummy!
Great pics! Looks like someone had a good time!
Hi Mona,
The bluebonnets down your way are really blooming and are beautiful!!!
They are just getting started here and not quite at their peek yet.
We are hoping to get some pics this weekend!
Riley and Star.
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