April 17, 2010



Hi my dearest friends,

Is everybody as excited as me? It's DWB Date Night!!! I'm all ready and waiting for my Tiger to get here. We are at Aunt Judy's house because of the Spring Fling tomorrow, so I hope he doesn't get lost coming to get me. So let me tell you about what all me and & my friends did this afternoon & what the humans did without us.

As usual, I was behind the wheel ready to go bright & early this morning, but Mommy had other things to do.

Since we was going away for the weekend, she had to give Spike and Smokey a treat. I swear you'd think they was my brothers or something. They come to the fence every morning when my Mommy goes to work and she gives them a treat, then when she gets home, there they are again waiting for her. She lets me out and then gets 3 treats. At least I get the first one.

Finally we started for LEAGUE CITY but first we had to stop at the bank to get some spending money. I like the drivethru, cause the tellers always give me treats.

Today was Meredith's birthday and tomorrow is Becky's birthday. so the usual DROH volunteers took them for lunch at "La Brisa Mexican restaurant, their usual hangout. This funny looking dude is in the entryway.

This is Mike, the only man brave enough to hang out with all these women. He is married to Suzanne, the lady sitting across from him in the next picture.

Mommy made a special toast to wish Meredith & Becky a Happy Birthday (they are mother and daughter) and then they said a prayer that it doesn't rain tomorrow. There is a 70% chance of rain!

This is Meredith.

This is Becky.

After lunch they came back to the house to have FIG PIE that Aunt Judy made. Her fig and blackberry pies are world famous, at least to DROH.

The rest of the pictures are all us dachshunds playing, some of the humans visiting and the gorgeous flowers in Aunt Judy's backyard, in no particular order.

There is a theme to these pictures. Can you figure out what it is? A little hint---we call it keep away!

Gotta go now, I think I hear my Tiger at the door.

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Mona this is just a fabulous post. I feel like I was there with you.. See you and Tiger soon.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That's a fun bunch of pictures. Everyone looks like they're having a great time. And then there's date night. Life is good.

wags, Lola

Asta said...


that celebwation looks like loads of fun, and that gawden is bootiful and a pafect place fow all those dawling dachsies. Mona, i hope you have a wondewful date..I don't have a date. mommi and Daddi wewe away, and I don't know anything about date night.
I know Tigew is a lucky boy to get you as a date
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a pawesome post of fun people and beaWOOtiful posies!


Mack said...

What beautiful flowers - momma is jellyish!

Will there be wedding bells for you & Tiger any time soon???

Duke said...

Please save us a piece of that delicious looking pie! yummmmmm
Mom says the flowers are just beautiful! Is the very first one Queen Anne's Lace? It's in the carrot family, right?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Mona...

What a fun place for a little get together...I Love the garden...

And, what could be more fun than playing ball with your friends while your Mom is visiting with her friends...

Date Nite was sooo much fun...You & Tiger are such a cute couple...

Abby xxxooo

Duke said...

Is it chervil, Mona?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

looks like it was a great get together!

Sagira said...

Mona it sure looks like you and your mommy have the life. Party hard girl and hope you had a great date night.