
"Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window!"
----Steve Bluestone
2 Days Until My Gotcha Day
(copied from January 15, 2010 post)
Hi friends,
Guess what? This afternoon, for the first time in weeks, it was actually nice outside when Mommy got home. So I got to take Pinkie Poo outside to play for the first time. Isn't she just the cutest elephant you've ever seen? I still love my orange chicken best, but it's still laid up with an almost decapitated head. Mommy said I need to be more careful with Pinkie Poo.
I drug Pinkie Poo all over the backyard in our dead grass. The grass was dry so she didn't get all muddy like most of my stuffies do. She got tired of playing, so I decided to do a little roaching. I haven't lost my touch!
Then Mommy said it was time to go in, so I had to make sure everything was
where it was supposed to be....I had just buried a milk bone dog biscuit for another day.
But first I had to make sure Spike didn't see where I buried it.
Nope, the coast is clear. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all........Mona
PS......Mommy took this picture of our dead hibiscus bushs. Looks pretty dead, doesn't it? Wonder if it will come back or did the hard freezes this year kill it. Mommy is very sad, that she might not have any hibiscus in the spring.
PS......Mommy took this picture of our dead hibiscus bushs. Looks pretty dead, doesn't it? Wonder if it will come back or did the hard freezes this year kill it. Mommy is very sad, that she might not have any hibiscus in the spring.
Woo look furry khute with your Pinkie Poo!
As fur burying your biskhuit: WAY TO GO!
I love taking my stuffies in the yard too!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
w00fs, i love that last piksur of u Mona...heehee me burys them too...but inside...
b safe,
be careful of that sinkhole! have fun with your buddy :)
Pinky Poo is adorable and is perfect for true colours Thursday, Mona!
We know how much your mommy loves her hibiscus flowers. We sure hope they come back for her!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sometimes it is fun to have your stuffies enjoy the great outdoors with you, huh. Sorry about the decapitation. These things happen.
Oh, did you say FOOD? Be right there.
Mona I think Pinky Poo did a very nice job for his furst time out. I am sure you watched him carefully. GRRREAT job of hiding your snack. Enjoy your dinner.
Looks like you and Pinkie Poo had a great time outside!!
Woofs and Kisses!
What a fun time you had in the yard! I like your pictures and your Pinkie Poo.
Oh, Mona, I loved that last photo. What a cute face you have. I had fun watching you play with your poo BOL
Hi Mona,
Oh thank you sooo much for adding our photos to your post. What an honor! You are just too sweet!
Mommy had been having cumpooter problems or we would have thanked you sooner.
Your pictures are adorable!
See ya soon,
Riley and Star.
Oh my, Pinkie Poo is adorable!
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