Hi friends,
Yesterday, we had another wonderful dachshie play date at Aunt Judy's but this time with a twist. There is a new member of our pack you will be seeing a lot. His name is Puff Daddy. He is officially an honorary dachshund and he is a poodle. Meredith got him from some friends that were taking him to a shelter because somebody has allergies. Meredith took him & now the whole family has fallen in love with him. He is 6 months old and quite a character. He had no trouble fitting in with our gang of usuals.
Being at at Judy's, you just know Mommy has to show off Aunt Judy's beautiful yard. First off Mommy is very upset because, she tried all day yesterday afternoon and this morning to get a video to take with Aunt Judy feeding us "Pup Corn". So instead the first set of pictures of all of us doing what we do best Begging. Mommy picked today's quote of the day because it is very true.

This is Puff Daddy with Becky, Meredith's Mom.


Puff Daddy


George sleeping on Mommy's lap.

Mandy Jo





Me, Myself & I


But then as usual it all had to end and George, Puff Daddy, Mandy Jo and Bradley had to go home. Mommy of course got plenty of "fixes" from all the dogs and had to sniffle over Bradley leaving and you can see we all had to watch them go.
We always thought poodles were good dogs for people with allergies..hmmmmm...
PD certainly looks like a sweet fellow
Ooh--puff daddy is a Q-T-Pie!!!
What a great time! We want to come and play with you all on your next play date. We'll even bring some treats. We need to figure out how to drive first too.
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oh what a fun visit! Love all the pics and video.
Puff Daddy, the honorary Daschund. How neat.
Looks like you all had a fun play date.
I'm glad to see Makhkie Poo pawed what I was going to paw!
He is a khutie!
I'm glad all of woo had fun!
I love Mandy Jo's Ears....Too Cute! Wish mine could do that. Puff Daddy is one handsome fella.
Poodles are good for people with allergies...Just ask my momma....But I have heard the excuse that a member of the family is allergic to poodles too many time to count. I think they just can handle us high maintenance poodles. The grooming bills can be costly.
Is Puff Daddy a Standard poodle or a Mini?
-Mollie and Bobo
Beautiful gardens, flowers, shrubs, and beautiful pups - makes for a beautiful post!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I missed this! Cute photos!! :)
So many cuties, I bet you ALL were tired after that!!! Glad to see you guys had such a great time!
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