March 10, 2008


Hello dear friends,

Yesterday in one of my comments to several of our friends at DWB, I said that something bad had happened. I have gotten back several comments and different emails from friends at DWB wanting to know if I and Mona are OK. In the 9 months since we started our blog, you have always been there for us, through all the good times, bad times and the ugly times. Your words of encouragement, when I was sick and when I had to give the boys up is what has kept me from not falling apart--my family couldn't understand why I was so upset -- they are just dogs after all, they would say. You all understood & I thank you all for that from the bottom of my heart. OK, enough of all that mushy stuff.

Mona is fine and still on "The Great Adventure" with Copper, Hana, hopefully Meeshka and the kitty cat JB. They are on day 10 of their journey to find Hershey in the North Pole and bring him home to the DWB world. I miss my little girl a lot but I want her to finish what she started...there are no quitters in this household. We may slow down a bit but we never quit. Please don't let her know we have a big problem because I don't want her to worry about me. I will be fine, it may just take awhile to get back where we were. I have learned that when things are so messed up that I'd just as soon stay in bed & bury myself under the covers, something else happens that make the world shine again. And it has!!

Now for the bad news.
I will try to make this as brief as possible. I found out yesterday when I opened the week's mail that there was a notice dated 03/05/08 from our bank saying I was overdrawn $700.00 dollars at the bank. The long & the short of it is that my account is now overdrawn by over $2000.00 due to numerous electronic transactions and paper checks drawn on my account. Because I have overdraft protection, the bank didn't see fit to contact me about a sudden rise in transactions. I had a hold placed on my account last night and went to close my account this morning and open another account. While reviewing the account we found fraudulent activity totaling $2000.00 not including bank charges. We found out the person that is doing this had his own checks but with my account number on them. I have filled out a police report, of course. The bank has already given me credit for the paper checks that were run through but the electronic department has to do their investigation before I can be reimbursed for the missing funds, if they find in my favor. Just exactly do they mean in my favor--I'm the innocent party here!! S_ _ t, pardon my French!!! Now I have to wait 7 to 10 days before I can pay any bills until my new checks arrive. I guess from now on I should start opening the mail everyday & maybe it would not have gotten so out of hand.End of story.

Now the good news.
I just found this picture on my e-mail when I got home. What a wonderful surprise after such a stressful day. Peanut as you will recall is one of the dogs I had to give back to DROH in July 2006, when my Aunt broke her leg and I couldn't give him the attention he needed. After 4 fosters who could not handle him and said he was a biter and talk of putting him down, he went as a foster to Ron & Deb, DROH volunteers. Ron told them it would kill me if he was put to sleep. IT WOULD HAVE. Peanut ( the black one) and Ron quickly became best buddies and was adopted by Deb & Deb shorty thereafter. He used to be very shy with all the other fosters that Deb & Ron have (11 fosters at last count & 4 of their own-all dachshunds) until along came Rhodes (he is the dapple). Within a day of meeting they became fast friends. Where one goes the other is close behind, when one eats, they both eat, when one goes to peepee or poopoo the other does too. Ron has brought Peanut over often to visit but I never really understood the devotion they have for each other until I saw this picture. Thank the Lord, the sun is shining again!!!

Now the Oh so handsome news.

This is for my Mona--Simba the King made out of coffee--quite impressive but no real at all.

Here is the real SIMBA the king of Mona's heart and the love of her life.
MONA will be very upset if she finds out I have proclaimed her love to everydoggie so let's just keep it a secret. OK.
The Mommy.


Juno said...

Hello Mona and mommy!
Thank you for sharing the good (and bad news) with us. What happened to your mommy's account is not pleasant experience at all but we're glad you're doing well. We were worried if you and your mommy were sick when we saw the title. :)

Oh Simba on coffee is quite impressive!!

Momo & Pinot

Lacy said...

woofies Mona (the adventuress) and da happy nobody iz sick...and dats pawsome dose puppys found a much longet iz 10 days, me misses ms Mona...heehee and dat Simba iz shure a handsome fellow...

b safe,

Koobuss said...

Hi Mona and Mommy,

We are relieved to learn that everyone is well and that your problems are on the way to being solved. What a shame that you had to go through that terrible ordeal though. It seems that we are hearing more and more stories about this sort of thing. That's just awful. Good luck to you.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear.. I hope the bank clears that issue soon. It's terrible..
Nice coffee art of Simba. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

What a stressful thing to have happen to your mom, Mona! We're so glad the problem is being solved!
We never heard from your mom! Could you have her email us at maggiesue710 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks, Mona!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

I look pretty good in coffee, very tastey.

Simba xx

Simba and Jazzi said...

Mummy is waiting for her bank to find money they paid into the wrong account. She is sick of been passed to another department and put on hold. Hope you get it sorted out soon.

Simba x

Mack said...

That is absolutely terrible about the bank situation. Hope they are diligent and clear it up fast!

That Mocha Simba is sooo cool!

Do you guys like to go to the Houston Dog show in the summertime? My mom looks forward to it all year!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Your mom's account will get least she found out about it sooner than later!
Hey, we like Simba too! He is a silly dog.

Snowball said...

The portrait of Simba on coffee looks really cute.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Mona...dishonest hoomans are soooooooo....mmm...I'm not allowed to say what I wanted to so you can figure it out on ur own...that's horrible...we hope they get ur account straightened out without driving you insane!!

Simba... coffee art??!! WOOT!!!

I'd love to make one of Lacie and DRINK IT!

So glad the 2 pups found eachother...sounds like it was part of a plan doesn't it??
